Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors are incresingly popular recently.
In order to show our valued customers more information, more and more series will be updated on our website.

Except for GKT-VA & GKT-VT, the SMD series GKT-VC,GKT-VE,GKT-VK,GKT-VL,GKT-VN,GKT-VZ have been posted.
Kindly check more specification by below datasheet links !

Welcome to email us to check more part numbers and prices !

GKT-Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor http://www.kingtronics.com/aluminum-electrolytic-capacitors/

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – SMD Type
Kingtronics P/NLoad LifeTemperaturesCharacteristicDatasheet
GKT-VA2000H85°CStandard↓ Download PDF
GKT-VT1000H~2000H105°CStandard↓ Download PDF
GKT-VC2000H85°CLow Leakage Current↓ Download PDF
GKT-VE2000-3000H105°CLong Life↓ Download PDF
GKT-VK2000-3000H105°CExtra Lower Impedance↓ Download PDF
GKT-VL3000-5000H105°CExtra Long Life↓ Download PDF
GKT-VN1000H85°CBi-polar↓ Download PDF
GKT-VZ1000H-2000H105°CLow Impedance↓ Download PDF

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